Wednesday 6 October 2010

October 2010 news letter

September is over, 12 weeks to Christmas and trick and treat is is nearly on us all. Our Aussie friends have left for warmer climates, so to you guys looking forwards to seeing you when the weather gets warmer.

Studio News at Gilmour Pipers
John has been cycling well over the summer Christine and her Husband had a great biking holiday and did over a 1000 miles during the holiday Jan has stopped running and has taken to up biking as well. Just a quick note that biking out side burns up 5% more energy than in a gym. Which reminds my of Prof. Goldman cycling around Suffolk during his stays at Shrublands 40 miles a day. I am still swimming in the Deban sunday morning biking to work upto 20 miles a day also a run once a week. Amit Lahav has a new show The over Coat that about to open at the Wolsey from the 28th to 30th October it looks and sounds great.

The Web site news
A few clients have subscribed the web site for their youngster going to university David is doing well in France.

Dance East
have had a flying start to the new year after a few weeks off during the summer The Fashion show last night was a great success.

Council offices
Are doing very well Sandra has had trouble getting to classes due to getting the roads sprayed with orange paint your doing a great job; Rob played back up for his wife on a long distance bike ride across the country.

Ipswich and Suffolk
The classes are a lot of fun !! I think Robert could run a dinner for the Pilates group on their own, we could ask him to make a fish night that way Jackie could come along.

Woodbridge School
Has started on Friday afternoons and as per normal its a full group and I think I will have to keep my head on my shoulders and brain engaged, I have set a routine up for you all on the web site please use it Mr Thorley will be able to give you the pass word to get on to the site.

Came up with some information you might enjoy, I saw a programme on the television which asked what was better for your to help with mental powers , A bike ride , Sudouko or ballroom dancing it turned out that the bike was the best thing to do before an exam. Adam came up with the reason for this, the Brain takes 2% of the body mass but needs 20% of the oxygen we take in food for thought.

This month we are going to look at Carpal Tunnel Syndrome [which I will refer to as CTS ] This is a condition which only affects the arm and hand and is characterised by pain, tingling, numbness and other symptoms which are caused by pressure on the median nerve at the wrist, where it passes through the tunnel formed by the carpels [ wrist bones ] and a broad ligament that lies just under the skin.
The median nerve supplies sensation to the thumb, index and middle fingers , part of the ring finger as well as controlling muscles of the thumb. The little finger and part of the third finger are served by a nerve outside the tunnel and is that is why these fingers are unaffected by CTS.

Apart from the tingling, pain and numbness other symptoms include shooting pain in the arm, weakness in the hand [ especially first thing in the morning ] an impairment in the ability to grasp and handle objects especially small ones and symptoms that worsen at night or can wake you.

The cause of CTS can be varied but all resulting in inflammation and swelling of the joint linings, tendons and muscles.
These include.
A wrist injury.
A job or hobby that involves firm pinching or grasping.
A medial nerve tumour.
Thyroid disease.
Symptoms tend to come and go to start with and only tend to seek medical attention when they become constant, with severe pain . Unfortunately if it is not caught early enough the thumb can suffer severe muscle wastage.
CTS is diagnosed by analysing movements that provoke symptoms if there is nerve pressure within the carpal tunnel. There are 2 main tests, one is called Tinel’s sign which involves tapping the front of the wrist to see if it causes shooting pain into either hand or forearm. The other is called Phalen’s sign, the hand is bent backwards for 3 minutes as far as it will go and if patient gets shooting pains it is deemed a positive result.
Early diagnosis and treatment will give a much better result of recovery and prevent permeant damage. Treatments include wearing a wrist splint at night to hold the wrist straight and reduce swelling. Aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs or injections of cortiscosteroid may also be given to reduce swelling and relieve pressure on the medial nerve. If these measures are unsuccessful surgery may be necessary to prevent permanent damage. This is called carpal tunnel realise and is often carried out under local anaesthetic and requires the patient to limit movement for 6 weeks and wear a wrist support splint before exercises are used to restore finger and thumb motion to prevent stiffness. Results are usually good.
To try and avoid CTS adjust daily movements that are repetitive and insure you avoid keeping wrist bent on an unnatural position, ie typing for long periods if you are unused to it . Take regular breaks and alternate tasks for example ironing can help strengthen the wrists due to weight of iron and the movement involved.

The cost to subscribe to this site is £10 a month for individuals and groups is £40 , with 3 new routine available each month. To subscribe, please see the subscribe section at

I have been ask if you can pay by cheque, yes send the cheque to me and make it payable to Michael Mann at

10 Fonnereau Road,

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